[I started writing this in May. Time flies]
I don't always agree with Dave Greene, AKA The Distributist. He had some observations on cinema and the arts that I found counterproductive. When I listen to his debates, or when he reads an essay, or gets interviewed, I think I disagree or disdain ~30% of the time. I need to say all of this because I don't want anyone getting the idea that I'm a fanboy trying to weasel my way into his network or good graces.
Greene systematically eviscerates neo-paganism like some kind of flensing knife wielding serial killer. He lures the victim in and starts removing the skin so delicately that it doesn't hurt at all, just a bit of pressure and a cool breeze on the senses. Before long, neo-paganism is skinned, vivisected, pickled, and labeled. And this is good, the whole rhetorical framework needs to be asphyxiated and put back on the shelf of history where it belongs. I cannot match Greene's energy, you do yourself no favors by not reading the essay, but in the great tradition of a member of the mob kicking the corpse of the guy the ringleader just bodied, I would like to sprinkle some salt on the cadaver.
Paganism, the real thing at the societal layer, is dead and gone. Neo-paganism for commoners, proles, and normals is an embarrassing phase all nationalists with European heritage have to go through. One reads the old books, catches a glimpse of these brutal men, their lusty ladies, and the simple life they lived, and the desire to imitate is ignited. But this image is a warped rendition of the tortured recollection from a biased and deceitful set of sources. All we know of paganism comes from the societies that destroyed it. As a memeplex, as a discrete and coherent interpretive rhetorical framework1, it was insufficient to the challenge in the forge of nations. Indeed, polytheism is always inferior to monotheism when directly contrasted. When it's time to fight, the side with One Name to call upon always trumps the quivering thralls of the pantheon.
Echoes of real paganism persist, and they do so like black mold hiding in the recesses of your home, waiting to get you sick and reduce your wealth. The managerial elite of the United States has a rotten core of practicing paganism at its very heart. They don't flaunt it, but they also don't allow access without it. The Comet Ping Pong Nightmare2 is a glimpse of it. The secretive retreats, the dress-up play at the LHC facility, the tunnel opening ceremony; these are all signals between elites of what it takes to participate, to belong3.
Though at first it may seem that the two preceding paragraphs contradict each other, they do not. The paganism practiced by Obama and Beyonce4 is stripped of its minutia, it's social structure, and all that's left is a hyper-concentrated set of practices purpose built to engender cohesion in a fractious group unable to not betray, not steal, and not deceive. These practices generate heinous material for blackmail, which is a tool for enforcing compliance, but they also serve as a Mark of Cain by which the tainted can recognize each other. What starts as paying the piper to play the game transitions into a voracious appetite for blood sacrifice, sodomy, and despoiling innocents5.
The signals of this type of paganism are everywhere in Occidental “culture6.” They leak out all over the place most often as a confession, a desperate cry for Crusaders to appear and put them out of their misery. Madonna has been moaning and crying for the headsman's axe for decades, and scores of other pop “artists” likewise cry out for their own destruction because of the blackness that has stained their souls at their own invitation. The satanic material of Balenciaga or any "elite products provider" is not intended to convince dissenters or make a case for the beliefs being adopted by the masses at scale. It is an elite compliance mechanism intended for a small group, and the occluded leadership could not care less about the masses of goyim, save for the provision of children to despoil and devour7.
We are seeing a tiny taste of this influence network with the Sean Combs case, but rest assured that it will stay at hints only, and the gatekeepers will descend if it seems like the Hard Truth might get mainstream traction. A good example of this is the Epstein Case. Epstein was called out years before he was sent to jail, and the story was quashed. Then, in the blind rage to get anything to stick to Trump, Epstein was sliced and dumped over the side as chum in the water. When it became clear he had nothing on Trump, he had to be disposed of because he became the face of a ghost network of compromising info and hidden locations. For years, “serious people” had mocked the very idea of this network, and suddenly it couldn’t be denied. So he gets killed, and it's incredibly obvious, and nothing is done about it. Everybody was saying "Epstein did not kill himself" from sports celebrities to NEETs on Twitter, and it didn't matter. Epstein was a message to other Elites, to anyone who might consider defecting. It wouldn’t matter if every single American cried out together in a loud voice “WE KNOW EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF” because that basically happened, and not one single thing changed. Rather, nothing visibly happened, because every elite got the message loud and clear.
Here is the deeper truth, the ugly nightmare reality we won't be hearing from the Voices That Speak anytime soon: Epstein was not some sadistic flesh trader sitting on top of a massive blackmail generating network; he was a cog in a larger machine whose job was to identify the real freaks and perverts out of the run-of-the-mill hyper-hedonic elite and pass them up and in further for “cultivation.” People can get bent out of shape over teenage girls running away from home and fucking powerful men, but it often sounds like jealousy to me, and teenage girls don't need Ghislane Maxwell or Mossad to throw away their value. I dislike intensely what Epstein was doing, but I don't really care at the political level, and pretending their aren't a hundred other flesh traders catering to all political sides is childish and stupid. Far worse were his efforts to connect the deeply depraved to the entities that could fully unleash them. Never forget that he was killed, not cancelled; operational cauterization, not justice or vengeance.
The specific crimes against Nature both matter and don't matter. There are scientific value assessments that have identified specific rituals that harness energy or confer power, but there's also utility in systematizing any and all degenerate or disgusting conduct because it breeds chaos and resonant evil. So these monsters in human skin will groom a child8 and systematically defile them9 just for the pleasure of spitting in the face of Nature's God and creating another ruined human10, but they also make sure that a complex structure of art, education, and information keep abortion factories cranking out pieces of murdered babies because massed child sacrifice creates an ungodly amount of power.
Picture a vantablack box, the depths unplumbed and the surfaces intangible but the existence nonetheless undeniable. From the top springs gossamer thin lines that tether & tighten ‘round the necks of those that matter most. From the bottom extrudes the husks of raped men, the chopped up bodies of children, the vile disgustingness of shrews & crones with sacrificed fertility, and all manner of filth, destruction, and decay. The box was built, piece by piece, layer by layer, over the span of centuries, incorporating horrifying rituals, manipulative tricks, and boring but dependable concepts and methods, all for the sole purpose of exercising extremely tight control over the few and overwhelming chaos for the many. Hands in green gloves built this box, and the investment of time and blood is unparalleled. Every religion, every ideology, every method and tactic and strategy is represented in this box, this infernal contraption, this tool of the Adversary, and it has one purpose: to challenge Nature’s God for the dominion over His creation.
Paganism isn’t responsible for the Box, not solely, but it fits so well that it is present in both Top and Bottom processes, and that is a rare thing. This is why we should not, under any circumstances and for any reason whatsoever, tolerate pagans in our midst. Paganism always, always, ALWAYS leads to the adoption of human sacrifice as a core tenet of faith. This happens everywhere paganism infects a culture. We know them by their fruit, and it is rotten & poisonous. No amount of sexy redheads, tribal tattoos, or cool axes will change the nature of daemon worshipers. These types cannot be tolerated or even ignored. They are a mind virus, a sickness like rabies11 that must be treated with extreme prejudice and caution.
Root and Branch.
[This essay just refused to comply with my wishes. Even now, I am convinced it is a failure. It’s a mess, I can’t fix it, and it is maybe the most important topic I have ever tried to write about. I have backspaced for fucking weeks, trying to find the right words. Alas.]
I think this is my best attempt at defining “memeplex” but I would love to find one better if it exists.
I am providing proof because my pedantry compels me. I strongly caution you: take my word for it; don't let this evil into your mind. It's hard to stomach, it gets worse with time, and it darkens your doorway forever after. You have been warned.
In each of these examples, and most every other one that bubbles up into the social media consciousness, you will encounter a deluge of the blindly devout (bless their hearts, honestly) offering saccharine sentiment about how going to church is the only answer like the flotsam in a wave of fact checks, debunks, and handwaves saying it is all meaningless entertainment, frivolous nothings that don’t mean a thing. But “media literacy” is a triple-edged blade, and the types that will dismiss literal human sacrifice larping as play will shriek in dismay at jokes about Christian nationalism, or White nationalism, no matter how obvious it is that they are jests. And they are “right” to be nervous, because how we practice is how we play, and the tumbling of wolf cubs is always a precursor to the stalking of predators.
Isn’t it curiously amusing how the pet minorities of the managerial elite always seem to go too far, to miss the joke, to shriek the quiet part aloud?
Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Forgive my inaction.
I invoked “media literacy,” so let’s look at a facet that is pretty obvious, painfully obvious even, yet seems to blow right by us far too often: nothing “in frame” is an accident. Whether it’s a music video, a live music show, a film, a play, a debate, a salon; anything with planned cameras is choreographed and “set dec’d” by blatant and explicit choice. The example I provided is comically dense with symbolism, oblique references (the dried up skank points at the audience every single time she sings croaks “not everyone is coming to the future”), and on-the-nose references. If there are references to something, if there are images of something, if the thing is there in the frame, it is there for a specific reason. If the creatives/producers say it’s unintentional or accidental, they are lying to your face.
This is happening, right now. Children are in cages, waiting to be devoured. Yet here we sit.
Nearly always male, God forgive us
Jesus wept
rain down fire and brimstone, Lord God
If you are unaware , rabies is about the worst thing to deal with. Far more dangerous than any hemorrhagic fever, it can stay virulent pretty much indefinitely and it cannot be cured or expunged. The only thing remotely close on the Terror scale is prions, and it isn’t that close.
I can't help but note how telling it is that most pagans' response to this call out is to either quibble with the language used, to deflect, or to find ways to take potshots at Christianity.
That they can't refute what you've said, that they're focused on issues that are miniscule in comparison to what you've brought up, is all we need to know on how wrong they are.
> Greene systematically eviscerates neo-paganism like some kind of flensing knife wielding serial killer. He lures the victim in and starts removing the skin so delicately that it doesn't hurt at all, just a bit of pressure and a cool breeze on the senses. Before long, neo-paganism is skinned, vivisected, pickled, and labeled.
Okay, enough glazing... Are you gonna give him a blowjob awhile you’re at it? We pagans responded to that post in droves with long comments. I wrote two actually, because substack has a comment length limit. If he “eviscerated” us so devastatingly, why are we not left speechless?
> All we know of paganism comes from the societies that destroyed it. As a memeplex, as a discrete and coherent interpretive rhetorical framework1, it was insufficient to the challenge in the forge of nations.
Well, no, not really. We have plenty of means of comparing different but related pagan traditions and finding out which traits are most likely to have the deepest origins. Also, plenty of pagan records were recorded by multiple different groups at different times, so they can be cross-validated. Also, your argument could be expanded to the entire record of human history.
> Indeed, polytheism is always inferior to monotheism when directly contrasted. When it's time to fight, the side with One Name to call upon always trumps the quivering thralls of the pantheon.
Ah yes, because Christians are so well-known for only calling upon one name in battle! It’s not like entire nations fly the banners of their patron saints into battle… Face it, if Polytheism was so inferior then Christians would not have spent so much time in history trying to adopt polytheistic attitudes via the cult of the saints.
> The managerial elite of the United States has a rotten core of practicing paganism at its very heart. They don't flaunt it, but they also don't allow access without it. The Comet Ping Pong Nightmare2 is a glimpse of it. The secretive retreats, the dress-up play at the LHC facility, the tunnel opening ceremony; these are all signals between elites of what it takes to participate, to belong
Occultism need not be pagan, in fact I would call something like Satanism intrinsically anti-Pagan because it is entirely focused on a rejection of metaphysical order. If anything, the most “pagan” secret society today is the Freemasons and only due to their vague association with the Rosicrucians, who were Hermeticists. But, that’s a very loose connection and obviously plenty of Freemasons historically considered themselves Christian.
> Here is the deeper truth, the ugly nightmare reality we won't be hearing from the Voices That Speak anytime soon: Epstein was not some sadistic flesh trader sitting on top of a massive blackmail generating network; he was a cog in a larger machine whose job was to identify the real freaks and perverts out of the run-of-the-mill hyper-hedonic elite and pass them up and in further for “cultivation.
A little off topic, but Epstein was a glorified pimp. The girls he was “trafficking” (paying tens of thousands of dollars to fuck celebs) were high school aged and up, he wasn’t kidnapping 5 year olds off the street and stealing their adrenochrome. Do you really think the average inner city pimp is not also working with high school aged girls? They’re already committing a crime, they’re not gonna get all conscientious when they find out the girl they’re prostituting is 15.
> Paganism always, always, ALWAYS leads to the adoption of human sacrifice as a core tenet of faith.
Human sacrifice in most Pagan societies, like all sacrifice for that matter, is a form of ritualized slaughter. Criminals, POWs, homosexuals etc were the ones being sacrificed. Societies like the Aztecs and Carthaginians are the exception, not the rule. Plenty of Pagan societies did not have sacrifice, so you’re wrong anyways, but the idea that there is a fine line between religiously sanctioned execution and human sacrifice only comes from a place of ignorance.
> This essay just refused to comply with my wishes. Even now, I am convinced it is a failure. It’s a mess, I can’t fix it, and it is maybe the most important topic I have ever tried to write about. I have backspaced for fucking weeks, trying to find the right words. Alas.
Perhaps some pagan god stopped you in your tracks…