I noticed an interesting micro trend with YouTubers back when the Russo Ukraine War started. I can't say that this extends across the platform, I have a pretty specific range of tastes: narrow, disparate, and deep. I like a 4 and 1/2 hour movie about a single topic with meticulous sourcing and details. I'll even go back and re-watch something like that if it's done well enough and there's enough in there to keep learning from. Trends on that website indicate that that's not really a very common preference, but view count indicates that, of those that like such a thing, they really like it.
The RUW will be looked back on as a substantial turning point in not only the history of the West, but post-modernity as a cultural paradigm. A lot of deeply held positions received a killshot when Russia moved conventional forces over a very recent and incredibly porous national border.
The first thing I noticed that died was the idea had aerospace technology had negated tank warfare and trenches. In all honesty, we should have known that that was complete bollocks, as it has been erroneously maintained ever since halfway through World War 011 despite all evidence to the contrary. You can still find plenty of otherwise serious men2 who remain convinced in the face of overwhelming evidence that air power is the queen of battle. It is not; artillery is. Cope and Seethe.
Another thing that died is the idea that the American military is basically unchallengeable on the modern battlefield. Many will believe that silly idea right up until they surrender to a Chinese conscript at the gates of TSMC. You may not agree, you may think that the American military just needs to be renewed, or maybe a new set of upper echelon leaders can turn it around, but you are wrong. It may very well be the case that some kind of military populated by “American” males flying an “American” flag will be dominant on some battlefield in the future, but it will be a consistency of name only. The institution is dead, and it will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. A fish rots from the head, but a building starts at the foundation.
Specific to the things I think about, the most important thing that died3 is the Post History Narrative. Everybody credits Fukuyama, but I would not be surprised to find out that he stole it from one of his grad students4. The idea that we are “outside of history” survives in the hearts and minds of far too many people. Some combination of screen life and the perception that nothing ever happens conspires to get people who are otherwise level-headed and capable to believe that, well, nothing ever happens. 2024 was the Year of the Happening5. Maybe we just can't see how big the fire is because we are so close to it.
There was a palpable sense of shock in early 2022 when Russia did the unthinkable and told the Theater Kid Global Government:
I have written a little bit about this in more detail and you can read about it here. Lots of people still think that Russia invaded the Ukraine for territory, but that silly notion is not long meant for this world6. Back in 2022 though, it was not only acceptable, it was one of the more reasonable assertions of causality. When Foggy Bottom and the last vestiges of White London made sure that no truce was viable at the end of March, the West moved fully into a war posture. When this disgusting duo fought in World War II7, it was a total war of hard power. In the RUW, the West is fighting a total war of soft power.
In this soft power war, one of the more active fronts is YouTube. Early on there was almost no representation of the Russian perspective. What few channels and personalities had the gall to even suggest the Russians were real people with reasonable motives were thrown off the site. That has changed, but not without a ton of effort and many sacrifices. That was a very real campaign and counter campaign that can be analyzed: the actual discussion of the war. I hope someone does a really good 4+ hour long YouTube video about it for me to complain about.
But alongside that, there has been another campaign: the battle to normalize dehumanization of the Russian people. Have you noticed how YouTubers are completely comfortable with treating Russia and Russians as something to be laughed at and mocked, regardless of circumstances or context? Many content creators have multiple instances of making light of Russian death and suffering, both on and off the battlefield, and even far afield from the theater of war. These are little things, and I don’t think the Russians are losing any sleep over it. But I have to wonder why these peaceniks and refuseniks are so comfortable with dehumanizing a group of people that have literally done nothing to them.
Early on in the soft power war, the policy change was very clear: All the rules regarding violent speech, hate speech, discrimination, verbal ethnic cleansing, and blatant misinformation got a big asterisk: these things are still forbidden unless they are applied to Russians. A critical piece in this puzzle is due to the fact that ethnic Ukrainians (Ruthenians ((Poles))) are disproportionately represented in the ranks of website janitors and admins. A very magical place, a place I used to love and cherish, went completely over to the GAE side in the soft power war, earning uncounted merit badges in boot licking and nutsack gargling the very regime that has explicitly promised to take away the funs. As the actual front line crumbles and the rout of the AFU continues, this little corner of the internet continues to maintain that the forces of Disney Character Heroes are mere hours away from the gates of Moscow.
But this doesn't really explain why certain accounts are so comfortable with a level of ethnic hate speech they refuse to tolerate when pointed at literally anyone else. If this were a more widespread custom, if these comments and jokes were leveled at anyone they could be comedically applied to, then I don't really see a problem. The fact is that these folks will absolutely tone police and concern troll commentary regarding (((our greatest ally))), or any of the GAEmo army. It is an interesting double standard.
I don't think these people actually hate Russians. I think they haven't been officially allowed to feel hatred for anything for so long that the moment the secret police relaxed the global standard, they jumped in with both feet. Today it's Russians, tomorrow it's Persians, maybe one day it will be Chinamen. Karenocracy occupied the Occident during an incredibly long peace, and because their brains are 33% smaller, they were unable to envision a time when “history” might start up again. Now that we are watching the Machine of History chug back to life, they are trying to control and channel that hatred. But it’s a funny thing, collective hate.
When you have a docile population swimming in seed oils and phthalates, it’s trivial to keep the blood memories suppressed and the lying eyes distracted. People will unquestioningly like gross things and dislike beautiful things. They will willingly ostracize then ignore dissenting voices and uncomfortable noticers. The problem with a regime like this is that it is absolutely contingent on still waters, stable temperatures, and ample pellets to keep the whole school of fish “properly” oriented and ostensibly happy. Once turbulence becomes more than random & rare, once some of the fishies get a taste of real food, once they start to realize they aren’t in a magical pond but instead a sanitized and boring alcove diverted off the very real and exciting river, it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing starts to come apart.
The Trump Restoration and subsequent Soaring Twenties are going to be exciting. I hope it’s the beginning of a new chapter and not just a silver lined Afterward to the Book of the West. There are many factors that will be critical to this trajectory reversal, and one of them is Collective Hate. Karenocracy tried to erase hate, then found they needed it but couldn’t really control it, even less so deploy it effectively. They, really We, also discovered that Collective Hate constructed in a lab just doesn’t taste the same as real, organic, family raised hatred. Pearl clutchers posing as pastors across America are shrieking their displeasure at White men discovering the savory taste of Collective Hatred, warning that it’s so much better to kneel to black criminals, to turn cheeks endlessly as (((all))) and [[[sundry]]] demand endless apologies while stealing both past and future from us. But these same pastors were quite alright with the artificial Russia Hate that was the norm through ‘22 and ‘23.
I think what they really dislike is aggression.
Both State Senator Karen and Nondenominational Pastor Pete hate and fear Aggression. They cannot understand it, they can’t control it, and they are not able to participate in it. They love to crush dissenters, but they want the mob to do the dirty work. They want to call an easy to remember number and have well ordered & obedient enforcers show up and smother that which they dislike. A world wherein wanton black violence is met and crushed by ordered White aggression is disgusting to them. Like someone garroting a pitbull before it mauls a toddler, it’s a reversal of the “proper order” as they see it, meaning a reversion to the Natural Way. Our society has collectively forgotten that the modern, post civil rights society was ushered in in the wake of unrestrained leftist and minority violence8, followed up by what appeared to be a return to normalcy but was actually just a reification, a settling in, of the new normal9. Karen & Pete like it when urban areas are no-go zones and the suburbs are farms for creating obedient off-white children happy to take the pills, smash the subscribe button, and express collective outrage precisely as ordered to.
The idea of White men noticing actual atrocities and responding to them organically in an organized fashion terrifies them because it is something with which the Karenocracy cannot contend without its own army of organized aggressive men. Another thing lost on most is that the whole civil rights song & dance was occurring in the US in the 1920s, complete with the elevation of sluts making bad choices and the veneration pet minorities committing wanton violence, with normal society footing the bill, but had to be suspended because of certain events in mid-century Germany. It took almost 10 years for the FDR brain trust to put the cultural revolution on hold and build an army, both literally and spiritually, capable of defending global communism from organized aggression with identitarian characteristics. Without nuclear weapons, and very critically the mythos surrounding them, they never would have had a Long Peace in which to perpetrate their disgusting little collective social suicide pact10.
Russia invading Ukraine popped the bubble, and the Cathedral has bungled the response every step of the way since. They can say they oppose Trump, or that they are fighting fascism, or that they are trying to stop the Dark Right march towards a Christo-Fascist Christian Nationalist Monarchy11, and they may even mean it to some degree.
But what they really hate and fear is Organized Aggression.
The First Global War of Progressive Aggression.
We need to build a wall around GWOT Vets with social media accounts until we figure out what the hell is going on.
In truth, it is on the table getting electro shocked repeatedly while it's many girlfriends cry & scream & beg with the God they refuse to believe in to bring him baaaaack. Sorry bitch; he ded.
Too many such cases.
I started this essay in 2024 and abandoned it. I stand by my assertion, but 2025 is definitely looking like 2024 Part 2: We Are Going To Fucking Kill You Boogaloo.
At the historical scale, I mean. In the mean time, people will carry this stupid idea to their shallow, roadside graves, I fear.
The Second Global War of Progressive Aggression.
Read this article. Read the fucking article. Read the article now. I am standing outside your house with a machete-wielding Haitian on a leash, read the damn article.
Reagan was a terrible president, and I piss on his memory at every opportunity.
Someone needs to write a book about this, Covfefe Anon.
“I’m going to come.” -Donald J. Trump