At some point the war will be won, and you will need to gamify it again lest you tear the division of labour asunder every decade or so. All this emerged for a purpose, and we should not lose sight of it. There's only so many 1848s (or Reformations, etc) a society can take.

Next time, I propose The Game of War v 2.0: he shall vote who shall subject himself to and survive a game of Russian Roulette with 1% chance of death.

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Great piece. I lived, a long time ago now, in South Africa. I didn't have 'the Vote' there. Nor did the vast majority of the population. This led me to believe that having the Vote was a Great Thing. After all, suffragettes got all bloodied up by race horses and shit. People were prepared to die for the right.

And that's kind of the thing really: anything worth dying for has to be something that you can keep, or that no one can take away from you. That seems to me what your extended Caveman metaphor very capably demonstrates.

I regret to say it took me another thirty years of voting (in a different country, that one where the Bank Of England is based) before I finally wised up to how I was being bullshitted. I still turn up to polling station because I suppose I feel I owe it to the suffragettes and the Nelson Mandelas, but that Holy Narrative is wearing thin too.

I am long past fighting age and I agree: that means I have no real right to a say in anything much. If someone comes along to relieve me of my Cave Stuff, fuck it, let 'em ;-)

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