Here’s an interesting video documenting of the security footprint for our Diaper-Soiler-in-Chief when he goes to visit the beating heart of the Blue Empire. Biden is alleged to have received 2,321,759 votes equating to 76% of the NYC vote in 2020. This is his turf. This is where he is presumably loved.
The video is 29:22 in length, which is a lifetime in Zoomer Minutes, so I have graciously, and lovingly1, gone through it to isolate some of the elements of what you are seeing2. This is by no means comprehensive, and it is all based on my understanding and familiarity with the objects, actions, and operators involved, so I very well may miss things or have out of date information as I have retired to Hyperborea where I hand raise wasps and grow artificial soybeans under the light of a Hitlerian sun.
00:05 – B Roll shots of downtown Manhattan heliport. Yachts, cars, aging infrastructure. (so much dollars)
00:08 – Belgian Malinoise + handler, looking for explosives, lost bags of cocaine, or chuds hiding in the water line (many thousands of dollars)
00:12 – NYPD mobile command post (probably a couple million dollars)
00:14 – Coast Gurad Patrol Boat w/ complimentary prop machine gun and the last 5 straight males in DHS (tree fiddy dollars) ((camera Op does excellent pan on this one, really solid work)
00:38 – NYC traffic control unit (hundreds of thousands of… pointlessly wasted hours)
00:47 – Secret Service advance team (I don’t know if this is a shit posting or a plumb position, probably depends on the POTUS; millions of dollars in the aggregate)
00:58 – FDNY mobile barracks (millions of dollars)
01:13 – FDNY patrol boat (just as expensive as Coasties, no unloaded machine gun, not at all straight)
01:20 – NYPD diversity bus (you cannot put a price tag on diversity)
[in the video, you get to see an audition of each vehicle because they are flipping a bitch in one of those “Authorized Niggas Only” turnarounds on the highway that none of us Common Scum get to use. This is a camera Op’s dream setup, by the way. The vehicles arrive, do the U turn, then slowly crowd onto the heliport pier. We will return to this at the end when we discuss security theater from the frame of actual threat assessment]
01:57 – NYPD Tactical scooter w/ custom fat-ass seat (many thousands of dollars)
02:08 – appears to be Boeing 787 Dreamliner w/ presidential livery (you cannot put a price tag on elite greenwashing)
02:19 – tactical command post and/or comms control unit and/or signal monitoring unit (this is probably a cool million, but the cancer it causes is probably much costlier)
02:22 – different comms wagon, looks to be SS… I mean Secret Service (same cost, same cancer)
02:29 – The Beast, or one of its iterations (this is the presidential limo, you can look up the specs, it would be impressive, all of this would be, if it had a real purpose. Literal tank, millions of dollars)
03:00 – always hilarious instance of an old cop telling people to do what they are already doing
[General Note: when watching footage, or experiencing in person, American SS officers, pay attention to luggage incongruity. You will see dudes in nice suits wearing silly backpacks or lugging around outdated, bulky duffle bags and/or briefcases. I hear they have candy and job applications for lesbians & liberals in there]
03:31 – The turning radius of The Beast… interesting info…
04:04 – Cops on jet skis. I guess these are in place to counter-mog nude body builders on surfboards? Really dumb (thousands of dollars and wet ladies underwear)
04:45 – FDNY footprint at this point is pretty big. In addition to the mobile barracks or mobile trauma unit, you have water tank trucks, additional hose, and a plethora of other vehicles, presumably to deal with a helo/aircraft crash or 1000 protesting Buddhist monks (many thousands of dollars in pay, probably hazard pay, probably other worthless costs too because unions)
05:25 – illustrative shot of slightly out of shape dudes with radios sitting around. This whole thing is a hi-tech, low T exercise in standing around feeling important.
05:31 – CIA clipper ship, the SS Chopthecock.
05:38 – here are the only guys actually working and taking real risks. These bike-pigs will be doing traffic control along the route, racing ahead as well as flying up and down the column. Notice how the escorts need to be escorted as they make their way to the place from whence they will escort the escorts escorting the escorts (hazard pay and lots of ancillary costs, many thousands)
06:25 – hilarious moment where a flag waving Mexican nearly pulverizes John Law. I guess pedro has never seen a cop car before, or maybe Senor just doesn’t give a mierde about anything besides picking up his Immigrant Appreciation Check.
07:08 – Possible NYPD Special Weapons And Tactics Team vehicle. They always murder out their vehicles, but they are also typically rather old models with fresh paint and custom accessories, which is an apt metaphor for SWAT itself (they cost as much as cops, but more so by some substantial factor; imagine a glazed doughnut with a tactical chocolate coating and an even shittier attitude)
07:28 – Bomb Squad (regular cop + SWAT personality + even more ego with a side of better-than-you)
08:16 – They are starting to stack up and use their sirens, which is an indicator that Things Are Happening
08:20 – The ever elusive Cop Minivan
08:47 – Prop gun. NYPD switched out all their real guns after 9/11 so as not to offend Muslims.
08:51 – Police boat. Very expensive way to spend tax money. Occasionally fish bodies out of water when they aren’t busy being used as props in movies about New York.
09:13 – Oh shit, it’s the Nature Police. These guys are ice cold unless they get globally warmed up by some chud asshole littering, in which case they will immanentize his eschaton with extreme non-prejudice. Actually, this could be a police ERT, SS ERT, DHS ERT, or heaven knows what. You know they’re badass because they get to wear NODs in the daytime but they don’t have to wear PFDs on the boat. Classic ERT stuff.
09:30 – NYPD tow boat. Yeah, I have no idea, that thing looks older than Biden.
09:37 – So apparently NYPD has an actual Navy. Explains a lot of the gayness, actually.
11:05 – FDNY Fire Boat. These things project ass-tons of water very quickly, and can pump lots of water directly into a shipboard fire suppression system. What they are doing here besides justifying late-empire budgets I haven’t the foggiest, but I am sure some union rep somewhere can justify it.
12:31 – Excellent shot of Taskforce Longhouse
13:00 – Another plane with presidential livery. Looks like a 737 of some type, so maybe it’s the plane for staff or the underage hookers or something
13:16 – NYPD whirlybird. Pretty standard looking, but not cheap to operate. To be fair, NYC probably keeps everything they have running most of the time with only hyper-specialized stuff on standby until it’s “needed”
13:19 – a brace of Sikorsky Lawndarts (UH-60 Blackhawk). Big daddy DOD has entered the chat.
13:25 – wook at the widdle boots! All the dudes on the ground in PCs with their oakleys and M4s are starting to feel short in between as Daddy Delta flies overhead
13:37 – Two V-22s sweeping in low. Pretty badass actually
13:40 – a pair of Sea Kings and an Osprey chaser
13:46 – V-22 Osprey. The rotors make a distinctive noise that should be memorized for… no reason at all
13:58 – The V-22 is a tilt rotor craft, meaning it can change the angle of the things on the ends of its wings, referred to as nacelles, changing thew flight characteristics. When they are vertical, it’s a helicopter, when they’re horizontal, they are a turbo prop. This makes it a Trans-Aircraft, and that is why Biden flies in them, because he is an ally. Sit down and pay attention.
14:33 – These Ospreys are hella trans, they have had their boom sliced off and doodads removed. Despite what the other jealous V-22s still capable of combat and air-to-air refueling say behind their backs, these are the superior form of the aircraft
14:58 – Great shot of the nacelles tilting
15:35 – Imperial Priests unload from the Osprey to lay palm fronds in front of the ass making its way into the city.
15:54 – Yet another ERT, but this one carries luggage for you. Pretty sweet.
16:44 – Sea King lining up to ram it in. I read somewhere that they don’t put POTUS on the Osprey. I have no idea if that is true or not. The Sea King is a venerable old platform, but it is quite old.
17:59 – These are the staffers, which in the current regime means these are the ones actually making the decisions
18:46 – Another Sea King coming in, and this time with a V-22 on top cover or missile decoy or something. Also, just prior to this, all the boats started repositioning slightly, so it’s probably the Diaper Wearing Dictator himself.
21:13 – Reverse approach, exfil the opposite side than the others, one of those little tricks to confound the MAGA fascists hiding behind every normal white guy. These guys are Pros.
21:56 – Lol, they wait until the rotors stop completely, wouldn’t want grandpop getting blown out into the Hudson, what would happen to his free world?
22:19 – Great shot of the Beast’s thickness of armor.
22:22 – OK, that’s a weird little jump cut. I was looking close to get the timing of the old man’s shuffle from chopper to car, and for some reason there’s a cut, and Biden’s legs appear on the other side before he does his stereotypical stagger step to the car… I’m sure it’s nothing.
22:39 – A total of ~16 seconds on the deck. All that build up and preparation. Fucking LOL.
23:05 – Probably a shot of the Nuclear Football. I thought the always rolled with, but in the Thespian Empire, the only thing real is the fake stuff.
23:14 – Beast starts rolling
23:54 – Most informative shot of the whole vid is of course a terrible frame with bad focus. Here you can get an idea of the composition of the motorcade, and you can absolutely assess importance/relevance by position. Notice how the second largest group after security personnel is media or staff, but I repeat myself.
- Beast
- Beast
- Football
- Detail mobileCP
- Detail
- Detail
- Press/Staff
- Press/Staff
- Detail
- Press/Staff
- Detail (local)
- Detail (local)
- Press/Staff
- Press/Staff
- Press/Staff
...this is the train of our lord. These are they that keep him upon his throne.
25:01 – Everyone is spooling up, these are thirsty birdies.
28:29 – A coastguard cutter, just in case lmao
28:50 – Obligatory American flag
All of this stuff is cool, if you are a male that is into cool stuff. Cars, trucks, boats, guns, guys in tac gear, crew cuts, holy shit so awesome… but it looks exactly like my oldest lining up all his toys when his little friends are coming over for a play date, or when he wants to gaze over his plastic legions. This is good and natural for little boys, and it is also good and natural when a man lays out all his guns or tools for cleaning or just to reflect on the things he treasures. But what would you think of a guy that, when you go to his house at his invitation and he forces you to view all the toys he can muster before you can even sit down and crack a beer? Or, stranger still, you invite him over, and he brings every car, full of all the people he likes and all carrying all the stuff he might want to use maybe? You would think he is compensating for something, or he is barking mad, or both.
Looking at this security footprint, anyone with a shred of objectivity and a few teaspoons of understanding or familiarity can see this is security theater. What are they afraid of? It isn’t a mob of thousands hellbent on taking out The Primary by hand. It isn’t some kind of intricate and nefarious plot, unwinding like an evil algorithm crafted and engaged years ago. This is a show of force, but who is it for? Nerds like me who actually like toys & tools for dudes with enemies? The sea of blue voters who literally voted for a walking corpse in spite, or because, of his severe spiritual and mental retardation? If Diaper-in-Chief was visiting Coeur d'Alene or East Palestine OH or the other Palestine, sure, I get it. But he doesn’t visit those places, because if he did he’d be risking the presidency. This feels so much like a guy who needs everyone in the vicinity to know that he is a MAN, that he’s got droogs, that he’s not to be trifled with, that HERE COME THE PAIN… but he’s doing it in his own harem, or the kindergarten3 near his palatial estate.
So maybe he’s flexing? But Biden doesn’t flex. Biden doesn’t know what day it is. The real power, the ones turning thoughts into actions and policy into process are those faceless blobs piling out of Marine 02 and running over to the sprinter van. They are the ones that sign off on these massive demonstrations of force, these millions of dollars of waste, and they do it to convince themselves that this is all very serious and legitimate. Are there people out there who don’t like these soulless bureaucrats? Presumably, sure. But do they need helicopters and boats and millions of man hours of standing by to stand by?
MG over at Conundrum Cluster has asserted4 that the regime is stable, and I find his argument compelling. But then I watch this, and nothing seems stable to me, or maybe stable in the way a half-collapsed building isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I vacillate daily between “Thousand Year Longhouse” and “Mobile Banditry Incoming” so I am not planting a flag. Take this video, and my accompanied scribbling, as a data point seeking a home, not proof of one thing or another.
by which I mean reluctantly and hatefully
rather what you would see if you watched the video, which you won’t, because 22 minutes could be seven 9/11s if you are at the wrong EDM festival
in Bidenese, this translates to the same word