Sniper at the Gates of Brawndo
Another messy meditation, I'd skip it if I didn't like it so much
Here is a little geopolitical red pill for you:
Most of what gets referred to as “islamic extremism” is actually direct efforts, indirect efforts, or the exhaust of efforts between the department of State, the network of NGOs that mirror them in the inaccurately named "private sector," and the non-profits used to launder both money and character. I'm not saying there aren't independent groups of insane muslims thinking of various ways to hurt the enemies of their moribund caliphate. Those have existed ever since the "angel spoke" as it were. I'm talking about the apparently distributed network of quasi-official extremist muslim organizations spread across the Islamic world, and unfortunately beyond these days. These are the “20%” referred to in the now extremely out of date GWOT aphorism about which segments of islamry “support terror financially, materially, or morally. Of course, UAE, Qatar, Riyadh, and every other potemkin monarchy across the muslim world plays along too, but they do it with dollars mailed directly from DC and Fort Worth.
With the sole intention of riling up people with no real interest in international relations, I used to ask a trick question: who is the largest funder of islamic terrorism? I would let them stumble around for a bit if they were willing, then say, "The United States of America." I came up with this little honest joke when I was a dirtbag leftist, but even a broken clock can be right twice a day.
At first blush, this seems like one of those leftist comments, where the colonists are the real savages or something silly like that. But it's actually just a technical assessment I've made and resolutely stuck to, and haven't been fully proven wrong yet. Whether you want to include weapons sales as terrorism, as many progressives do whenever it suits them to get to holier-than-you status, or follow the path of muslim non-profits in North America getting completely legal money into the hands of those who are labeled terrorists by the progressives whenever it suits them to, islamic extremism runs on American dollars.
It seems like neither leftward Americans nor rightward Americans actually appreciate just how "giving" America is. I don't just mean giving inflation bucks to central banks in faraway places as part of the Bretton Woods System. I mean people giving their earned and quadruple taxed money to organizations who match it, pair it, combine it, photocopy it, gamble with it, invest it, and do all manner of made up money-fuckery for the express purposes of lubricating other organizations with capital. And it’s both rich and poor, but especially the Middle. Whether it’s standard charity, single instance emotional donation mugging, bureaucratic lubrication for local or regional or global initiatives, or investing in bleeding edge causes and companies, Americans give out paper wealth to the world.
So by hook or by crook, the great islamic project is carried on the back of North American largesse. And it is not alone. Pretty much every single "thing" as big as islamic extremism that you hear about in news media is a machine that runs on dollarydoos. All the things most people either really like, or really dislike, or pretend to be very interested in when they come up in a conversation, at least from the international relations framework of discussion, are a construct similar to “islamic extremism.” This is why the American System, the GAE, is still standing. It is both noise and signal, all at once.
Change v Changes
I really hope that Donald Trump is a Change Agent, a small piece of the human mosaic that helps change both color and pitch. I see the world through the lens of chaos versus order. Everything contributes a little to chaos and a little to order, and the proportion dictates where they stand in the culture wars, cultural trades & exchanges, and the building and maintaining of ideologies for living. The left pushes towards chaos, the right pushes towards order. You can get a whole lot of chaos with a little bit of order, and you can get ungodly amounts of order with comparatively little chaos.
Knowing how much chaos to introduce and when, knowing how to maintain order or unravel it, this is the leader’s calling as I see it. I think this is pretty universal, by which I mean the "general relativity" dictating artificial cause and effect (artificial meaning man-made), and I think it's a decidedly low resolution lens to use, but it really shines when you are trying to get a perspective large enough to cover the globe without being able to go far enough to see the whole thing at once. The real problem is that it's very tricky to use.
Through this lens you could look at the Bolsheviks and say that they were change agents for order, but that would mean that this election is the last election of its kind, and a new order prevails in North America and by extension the Occident, and that order becomes Byzantine in breadth. Just as easily, you can see the Bolsheviks as the supreme wielders of chaos, the collection of humans that ushered in the second Dark Age, as Harris secures the bridge1 of the ship of state from intervention while she plows on towards the shoals at an alarmingly high speed. But when you're looking from that far away, or maybe just simulating what that perspective might look like, you are completely removed from vastly important dynamics when it comes to the standard human experiential perspective. So if you're too far out, it's just a tool for having fun with science fiction, which of course I highly recommend to all thinking men of good will. The larger point here is that even though we slice & separate because of the boundaries of analytical reality, it really is all connected.
Birth of a Historical Construct
I am so over it with progressive messaging that I feel like I can swim through most of it and not even notice it passing, not more than the odor of chicken farms at 90 mph. But sometimes I do pay attention to it with a little more detail, and I probably need to do that more often. Listening to these turbo libs act like the stuff we joke about (very seriously and earnestly, but we are forced to tell jokes) is actually right around the corner seems so silly. They aren't actually afraid of Trump being Hitler. They know they get a reaction from Americans of every stripe when they do it, and so they do it. But they don't know much about Hitler.
They know a ton about the Hitler construct. There's a litany of failings for the postmodern man and his addlepated mind, but falling for such grandiose constructs is one of the more galling ones, particularly in light of how easily accessible the historical record is. I feel like I know Hitler the man. You feel like you know Hitler the man. Any American that is literate and over the age of, let's say 13 or 14 years old, probably feels they know a pretty good amount about Hitler. By age 25, it's basically a requirement of citizenship to know something about Hitler and to speak of it with authority and surety.
None of us know Hitler.
Some of us know a lot about the Hitler construct, some of us know about the construct and a lot about the historical figure. A select few are incredibly aware of the chronology of the historical figure and how it actually relates to the Hitler construct, though way too few for there to be anywhere near as many experts as it appears we believe there are. Hitler is invoked near the level of “God” and “Jesus”, at least relative to other multi-reality linguistic constructs2.
The alien anthropologist perspective is valuable, and I refuse to be embarrassed for saying so. I get that lots of simpletons and morons say the same thing, but it's such a useful teaching tool that it absolutely has value to some degree. I think an alien anthropologist could be forgiven for thinking that Hitler is some kind of deity within the America Culture. They could be forgiven for thinking that he was some kind of pernicious evil hiding behind every corner in the minds of these people. It would also be very understandable if they thought he was some kind of trickster demigod that was completely taboo for normal conversation but much beloved in private. Of course, the various schools of alien anthropology would disagree on the level of taboo or allure. "Look," they would say, "how taboo can it be if it's found in every single art form and mode of discussion?"
The Moldbuggian trick of word swapping demonstrates that Hitler is an immensely powerful concept to us, as a people, as a linguistic group, as a living historical construct. And it would be hard to deny that Hitler is a boogeyman under the bed, therefore a small god by any measure3. It doesn't necessarily minimize what he actually did4, it's just a way to clarify why no one like Stalin or Lenin is used in the same way.
Trump is Hitler.
Not in a moral sense, not as a zeitgeist analog, not in any of the ways that statement gets tossed out.
Trump, like Hitler, will be the icon standing athwart What Once Was and What Will Be. Who he actually is, the man who was a son and baby once, will only be remembered by his circle, and isn’t it funny that great men and peons alike usually have the same size circle? That man will die, his body will fade, and his soul will Go On. But his name…
The anglo muppet host is of course flabbergasted. How could these mangy, off-brand Koreans DARE to display “Nazi hate” so publicly, so unashamedly? For him, for his mutton brain limey sensibilities, to portray even a tchotchke connected to Corporal Hitler is to manifest hatred. But this is what comes of jewish gatekeeping of media & education, and therefore culture, for going on 4 generations now. And it’s foolish to be upset at them. The American jews that constructed holocaustianity were just homeless communists, too weak to participate in the Israel Project, too soft to build anything real, too connected to be recognized as the liars and cheats they were. You can blame the thief for stealing or the monster for murdering if you like, but I blame all the proximal ostensibly good people who let the little piece of shit get away with it so many times before.
Holocaustianity tried to turn a man into a monster by constructing an elaborate hoax based on very real events. What they did was so the seeds of a myth to own the hearts and minds of men for millennia to come. Just as Whites need constant social programming and error correction to not notice black violence and pet minority preference, so too do all men need to be reminded that a corporal rising to supreme leader, turning his country around completely, and resuming “great power status” in less than a decade is consummately evil. If all you know is the Hitler complex, the idea that one man, completely insane yet totally capable, personally loaded 6 million european jews from the hundreds of thousands of locations onto a train he conducted to a camp he built where he then shot, gassed, hung, and cremated every single one, at a rate of about 5 a second, while also conducting a two front war against 3 great powers, then the idea that he was just an extraordinary man that took on 3 flavors of global communism and failed is literally anathema. This whole paragraph is just terrible thought crimes. DISAVOW.
Some of us may live to see Hitler not only liberated from the memetic crystal he currently inhabits, but raised up as high as many other leaders who oversaw devastation and destruction and, most importantly, sweeping change. It may feel good in the short term to turn the antithesis of your identity into some looming evil to be forever on guard against, but all your really doing is playing Russian Roulette with the chance that your grandkids won’t be able to distinguish that construct from a legend, a myth, or even a god.
Nightcap at the Gates of Dawn
The sun rises on the first day of the thousand year Trumpenreich. I see a pack of feral mexicans fleeing through the woods as my unemployed carpenter neighbor leads a team of dogs to run them down (“Looking good, Terry!”) A bus just went buy, jam packed with virgins to be deflowered by weight lifters in the shadow of the 200 foot tall Trump statue we built overnight. Wigs are being glued to the heads of all the short hair turbo lib wine aunts as their internet privileges get suspended. Young black men, eagerly collecting doctorates in physics and internal medicine, are struggling under kneecaps of racist police as they attempt to help little old ladies across the street. Women on birth control are rounded up, stripped, then paraded through the streets on the way to the slave auction where they will be forced to be an Only Fans slut for just one guy for the rest of their lives (“Terry, you are on FIRE!”)
This is ridiculous, but it’s tame compared to the things being said online at this moment. When holocaustianity is the only framework permitted for the construction of social ideology, you always have to find a Hitler construct and a The Jews construct, and you will inevitably end up at the place where flesh lamps (fake), jewbaby skeet shooting (fake), and systematized slaughter of a viable laborers and technicians in overdesigned death camps (all in Poland, all discovered by commissars of the Red Army, all flattened, one rebuilt…) as the war effort on two fronts requires constant inputs and expenditures.
The reality of the War and the myth that’s been constructed to perpetuate its temporary outcome are ships passing in the night. We, on the SS Myth, will have a window of time to clamber down the cargo net and set out toward the receding SS Reality, confident enough that we will get a chance to hop the gunwale. But not forever. If we wait too long, we can either double down, then triple down, then forever besmirch our own intellectual capacity (hello American jewry) by stubbornly clinging to provably false, divisive, and retarded political propaganda that pushes the Occident to the brink of nuclear hellfire.
What a night. What a schizo goulash this one turned into.
The only thing stopping the Restoration is us. We see our adversaries for what they are: talkers & women. The former are never, not in 100 million years, ever going to fight for anything. The latter are women; they will do what they are told by who they submit to, and go exactly as far as their leash allows. Right now, the Federal Bureaucracy (Permanent Bureaucratic Oligarchy) holds that leash, and it is a mile long, unless they want to be happy by building lives and families and culture and a future for our children and people, whereupon they get smacked just as hard as we do for daring to dream.
Not only is the emperor naked, he is absent. He’s been dead since his crippled yankee ass was carried off to hell or Georgia (rest in piss FDR you fucking slug). The thrown is empty and the gutter is clogged with enough crowns for a thousand kings, yet here we sit, here I sit, tied to a screen, scrolling and laughing and watching and waiting, wondering when someone is coming to save me.
No one is coming to save us, brothers.
It’s time to start taking territory and owning the space.
Deus lo vult frens.
God is good, Trump is Great; Bureaucrat, defenestrate
I'm using a specific terminology here that, foolishly and destructively and hubristically, puts God in a box just like you would orgasms or dinosaurs. In a way, this is more blasphemous than many things considered blasphemous, and every time I do it I feel like I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing. Alas.
American Gods 2: Diofascist Boogaloo. Take it Gaiman, if you think you have the BALLS.
What we think he did, what we've been told he did, what we have decided to believe about what we've been told and what we think about what he did.