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Thanks for this post O.M.

<<Sometimes, I feel like the greatest trick the managerial elite ever played was convincing us commoners that it is better to dream of being king than realizing we could be happy being well served subjects.>>

I agree. Unrealistic expectations and the distorted appetites they fuel are a sure-fire path to suffering.

"Well served..." is critical, of course. Wise and compassionate leadership and clear boundaries provide genuine safety and an example that fosters a stable society (or company, institution, even a State).

None of this need disqualify us from having aspirations for ourselves, or our successors.

It may not be a popular view, but on balance I would say that Vladimir Putin personifies the qualities I've alluded to. The Professional Managerial Class (I too have been part of it) much less so.

Far too many of the PMC have simply become adept at saying things that they know their Overlings prefer to hear. It keeps those salary cheques coming in.

Very soon - look all around us - all moorings are lost. The centre cannot hold as Yeats so presciently warned.

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